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Our mission is to fight for creating economic opportunities, energy security, and a healthy renewable energy future for our children. Unfortunately, many so-called stewards of the environment are spending millions of donor money opposing renewable energy projects across the country. They are often funded by nefarious special interest groups and extremists who are happy to mortgage our future for their own gains. We are here to expose these groups and their leaders, counter their misinformation and support American communities working hard improving the futures of their people.


What do Stolen Shoes, Hustler Porn Magazine, Multiple Lovers, and the Center for Biological Diversity have in common? Answer: Its founder.

Kieran Suckling, the founder of Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) once stole a pair of shoes.2 Now, he takes over $380,000 yearly as the top executive. And that’s not all. Suckling has put all three of his wives and even his ex-wife on the payroll. That’s right: Suckling’s generosity extends to employing his ex-wife, the former creative director at Hustler Magazine! 


David Stevenson wears many hats. He heads up the so-called American Coalition for Ocean Protection (ACOP). He’s the Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy at the Caesar Rodney Institute. He’s a former Dupont Co. executive, was a member of the Trump Administration’s EPA Transition Team, and served on the board of the Heartland Institute.

Citizens for Responsible Solar, Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff. If you think these guys are for renewables, we’ve got a bridge to sell you…

Citizens for Responsible Solar was set up by Karl Rove’s top lieutenant, Susan Ralston. While she was standing up the Citizens for Responsible Solar front group, fossil fuel investors opposed to solar energy were funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Ralston’s personal consulting firm. Ralston is infamous for influence peddling. Did Ralston learn from her mentor Jack Abramoff?


America’s Energy Capacity Strained by Rising Demand and Climate Challenges

As the United States grapples with increasing energy demands and the urgent need to transition to sustainable sources, reports indicate a looming crisis in the nation’s energy capacity. The U.S. Energy Information Administration warns that while efforts to decarbonize the energy sector are underway, grid reliability is under significant pressure, particularly during extreme weather events. This was starkly illustrated in the summer of 2022, when scorching temperatures resulted in unprecedented strain on the power grid, leading to rolling blackouts in states like California. Experts stress that without substantial investment in energy infrastructure and a diversified mix of renewable energy sources, the nation may struggle to meet its future energy needs, raising concerns over both reliability and resiliency in facing climate challenges. As calls for action intensify, the spotlight remains on policymakers to address this critical energy crisis before it escalates further.



This section will be mainly for bloggers, reporters, and content creators, and it will present accessible summaries of reports about America’s energy crisis and condensed versions of publicly available research. The goal is to facilitate informed content creation and spread awareness about the need for renewable energy and the challenges we face from obstructionist organizations.



Targeting city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures, this section will include an interactive map showcasing specific renewable energy projects and highlighting our campaign’s victories and ongoing efforts. In addition we will show the impact of renewable energy initiatives in cities and states. This will help officials see the impact of renewable energy and understand the benefits to supporting our initiatives.